Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET)
This app has following features.
1.This app provides following types of multiple choice questions for CSEET.
(i) Chapter-wise (ii) Mock Test (iii)
2. This app provides daily current affairs MCQ for CSEET.
3. Detail analysis of CSEET all tests.
4. The questions and tests have been designed by Subject Matter Experts as per the
latest exam patterns of CSEET exams.
5. you can take all CSEET test unlimited times.
6. This app is completely free.
The Syllabus of CSEET shall comprise of four papers and the nomenclature of the papers is as
(i) Paper 1 : Business Communication (50 marks)
(ii) Paper 2 : Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning (50 marks)
(iii) Paper 3 : Economic and Business Environment (50 marks)
(iv) Paper 4 : Current Affairs, Presentation and Communication Skills (Viva Voce)
(50 marks)
Get more than 50 MCQ tests for Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test
(CSEET). The test series are updates on a regular basis. You will get new MCQ tests for Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test
(CSEET) that can be accessed online anywhere anytime. Sectional tests and topic- wise MCQ tests are also given to help you practice more.
CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) shall be conducted on a single day as per the following :
a) Computer Based Test of 120 Minutes consisting of four parts viz. (i) Business
Communication; (ii) Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning (iii) Economic and Business
Environment & (iv) Current Affairs; and
b) Viva Voce of 15 Minutes on “Presentation and Communication Skills”
Pattern of the CSEET
The Institute will conduct CS Executive Entrance Test based on Objective Type / Multiple Choice
Questions and viva-voce for testing listening, written communication and oral communication
Computer Based Test (CBT)
Test of 120 Minutes duration will be conducted at designated Test Centres. It will be a Computer
Based Test (CBT) conducted in MCQ pattern as per the following details:
S. No. Subject No. of Questions Marks
1. Business Communication 35 50
2. Legal Aptitude and Logical Reasoning 35 50
3. Economic and Business Environment 35 50
4. Current Affairs 15 20
Total 120 170